In search of the optimal choice of the foundation, a hurry is useless: the type of supporting structure is chosen, calculated and erected, the stronger your structure will be, and its service is longer.
The design of the column foundation is represented by a system of poles (concrete, button, masonry or brick masonry can be used in the manufacture of them, which are installed at a distance of 1.5 – 2.5 m at points of increased load – at the area of the wall intersection, as well as in the corners of the future house. For this type of fundamental basis, the installation of a reinforcing belt is mandatory, which minimizes the likelihood of overturning or shifting the foundation.
If a gas boiler room is planned in the future house, then when erecting the house, it is worth considering that it is necessary for it a room, the area of at least 8 m², with a chimney and access to the street.
As a rule, columnar foundations are used for houses with a light structure: log houses, houses and baths made of timber, gazebos, outbuildings. The choice of this type of foundation has a number of both advantages and disadvantages. The first include the ease of construction, relatively low financial costs for the purchase of materials, as well as the possibility of installation under the condition of deep freezing of the soil. In addition, the construction of this foundation will take no more than 12 days. From the negative sides of the device of this foundation, the low stability of the foundation stands out when it is installed in the zone of moving soils. As practice shows, a columnar foundation is not suitable for heavier buildings – brick or stone houses.